these pre-winter mornings have a certain depressive quality. cold but not really cold, old snow turned grey by pollution and simple dirt, low diffuse light and fog taking out a lot of the colors of the already de-coloured landscape. so i thought. but getting off sunday early morning and getting out from the warm air…
fishermen at batticaloa beach
these fisherman lived in a village swept away by the tsunami. their resettlement area is 3km far away (plus crossing the lagoon by boat), but they still come to their old place to fish in the sea. knowing that their families are now safe from further waves is a great pacification for them. the city…
sustainers in sri lanka
the east coast of sri lanka is a wonderful place – now that the fighting has stopped for the moment. i spent way too little time there. the co-workers in our post-tsunami project have become friends over the time, and their hospitality ist still overwhelming. due to the workload it was only in the early…
into the light
this was the last remembrance of summer we got this autumn. the light was in an astonishing way similar to springtime, coming through an already thin roof of leaves high above us. it’s not very often that i dare to include the sun in a picture i take with my 11-18 mm zoom, as this…
autumn in Wappach
Wappach is a really small creek flowing along a district road – nothing spectacular, and so it took me 12 years to find it and explore its photogenic qualities. the picture above is taken maybe 10m away from some private gardens in an almost empty streambed due to the autumnal low water situation. i started…
maria gern in the evening
always good for a postcard-quality picture, the church of maria gern is located on a very powerful place just over the street coming from berchtesgaden. evening is an excellent time to go there as it is almost abandoned then and the noise from the surroundings and the streets has pretty much died down. the mountains…
stone snake at the banks of river saalach
my daughter’s school had an art project at the banks of our river: on saturday morning they created this beautiful stone snake. Andy Goldsworthy was definitely an inspiration for this. his film “rivers and tides” (4 min. clip on youtube) is surely worth to be seen (again). this photo on .
Free Burma!
Everything said.
entrance door detail, maria gern
the sun was in the perfect direction and angle to highlight the iron nails and the lock as well as to shed some light on the the cast iron trellis with its golden coating I had to change my raw converter as lightcrafts decided to drop the linux version of their lightzone raw converter. The…
autumn fire in petting
a firewall in petting, a small village on the shore of lake waging. exposed to north west and getting sun only late in the afternoon, the virginia creeper showed all colors from deep green over blue to red and yellow. postprocessing this image, i did not touch the saturation but only adjusted brightness and contrast…
evening light over chiemsee, bavaria
This is no b&w picture… The evening light was incredibly soft, showing only faint layers of the mountains in the slight fog. In the lower right corner you see Fraueninsel with the clocktower of the monastery’s church. Taken from a public transport boat to Chieming on the east coast of Chiemsee.The original contrast range was…
temple drummers in colombo
working through my archives i found this picture taken 2005 on a tsunami evaluation trip waiting in Colombo for the transfer to the east coast. this photo on .
soap roses
found outside a soap shop in st. wolfgang, austria. taken with the famous beercan (ofenrohr for german-speaking), and i had to learn holding it steady đ
fall is in town
suddenly summer is over. cold rain starts, and the snow suddenly is visible again not high above my hometown. strange feeling to operate the camera with wet, cold, unwilling fingers again. used lightzone for linux to differentiate the sky and faint mountains.
chinese dancers at shenzhen festival, nuremberg
as there is no time to go out shooting, one last from the shenzen festival in nuremberg. The others are here, here and here.i found their pose really striking in front of the black background. raw file developed with lightzone for linux.
balcony on blue wall, St. Wolfgang, austria
one of the rare sceneries if have found that express a nothing-more-nothing-less than utterly relaxing mood. usually i develop my raw files, but this jpeg was already so good that i did only really minor tweaking in digikam before uploading it. this photo on .
facade in St. Wolfgang, austria
abundant flowers (pelargonium) on this facade of an old house in St. Wolfgang, austria.
St. Nikolaus, Bad Reichenhall
it was quite dark in this church – 0.5s on a monopod is long, even with internal stabilization. i love the scenery with that single woman adding scale to this big hall.
bavaria, as icon
if i would need to capture all of bavaria in on picture, that might come close: costume, music, beer, reflection helping to view the world not as it is… bavaria is really special. a (in its majority) rural country thrown in the 21st century, still believing in conservative doctrines.
cast-iron doorhandle, Bad Reichenhall
another one from Bad Reichenhall: on an old deserted house I saw this wonderful door handle. lightzone again for postprocessing, but I had to burn/mask/blur to make the handle really stand out.
old marble doorframe in bad reichenhall
took a walk yesterday through my hometown. one of the doors i often pass by stood open this time and formed a much more inviting picture than the times before. i had admired the marble doorframe quite often, but it never made a picture for me. lightzone for linux helped in dodging the corridor so…
ship approaching weggis/lake lucerne
taken earlier this year in switzerland. the scenery was difficult for a digital sensor to capture due to the extreme bright light, but i think the camera (minolta 7D/maxxum 7) did amazingly well. re-processed the raw file with lightzone for linux and tweaked the saturation of the flag with a mask. Other than that just…
skywards, bw
i already had worked on this picture in color, but when finally deciding to try a b&w conversion it turned out much stronger. work done in lightzone for linux
water world
strange world far away from us – quiet, graphical in this picture, and with no proper means of communicating with us humans. lightzone for linux again, to pimp that raw file with only a small contrast range due to the nature of the light. Great software, poor company.
mongolian dancer at shenshen-festival in nuremberg
the mongolian troop formed the first part of the shenshen festival – their performance and especially their music was really amazing. The ended with a song in frankonian tongue – the local dialect of nuremberg – in something like a “zwiefacher” rhythm (two rhythms alternating) whicht showed their extreme musical capabilites. lightzone again made my…