ok, so what do you expect from april. but this weather definitely has its photographic merits, too.
technically i feel a bit suspended in mid-air at the moment. my favourite raw editor, lightzone is available for linux only as a time limited public beta at the moment. only 5 days left and still no official announcement from the company. i do enjoy the smoothness of this application so much that i am without hesitation willing to pay the full price for a license, in spite of the availability of other good raw converters. lightzone has such a tremendous ease of use and blatant similarity to wet darkroom techniques, that it became my favorite ‘developer’ in almost no time. so please, lightcrafts inc., go ahead with a linux version, either fully company supported-full price licensed or for (almost) free as a community support version.
I guess that’s one of those moments when one gets reminded one the strong dependency on good or at least adequate software for handling all our files…
Hey, rain sometimes is great for taking photos – I only wish there would be more rainproof cameras around.
A lovely color combination again. Wonderful, and there’s something touching in the way they hold hands.