flare obviously is a weak spot of the tamron 11-18, on the other hands the situation present was pretty extreme and the front lens not completely clean. oh yeah, there is something to learn from every shot… the rock formation down there is really gorgeous and i decided to come back in june to get…
more tulips

untypical for tulips, these are white. my favourite raw editor lightzone, which is now available as a commercial and supported product for linux – thanks lightcrafts – proved to be an excellent tool to just enhance the local contrast in the one focused tulip. the shot was taken with a more than 20 year old…
wild cherry trees
rainy day, subdued light, so the Father’s day was not a overly buoyant affair. still the walk with my nephew and his hour-long talk about the playstation and the possible hacks (oh how far away am i from a boy’s hobbies – my toys are much more expensive at least) were some fun. he silently carried my tripod and never complained when i was stopping for a picture.
the different kinds of green and the white of the cherries make up for a great scenery. this image again did teach me that close framing helps to concentrate what i really want to show. i was negligent when shooting, so i had to to re-compose through cropping.
think pink

think pink was a mountaineering related slogan some 20 years ago, connecting environment awareness with fashion and style. searching the web turned out that it still exists in both senses, however i could not find statement about it’s importance nowadays (again in both senses…) here this title is to take literally, thanks to the tulips…
willow over weissbach

what a wonderful world: convinced my wife and the kids to walk along the whole weissbach canyon. ok, there was a wholesome goal, mauthäusl inn, with a terasse overlooking part of the canyon, and the prospect of an icecream worked more than accelerative. and we had a break in the canyon, which offered the opportunity…
evening sky
wing tsun

the first time i made really use of the blue hour and the my old zoom. focused to close distance, wide open, the bokeh really becomes great. which is no wonder at the other hand as there are no diaphragm blades involved. again, anti-shake saved my day as handholding 320mm effective focal length at 1/20s…
it’s raining again

ok, so what do you expect from april. but this weather definitely has its photographic merits, too. technically i feel a bit suspended in mid-air at the moment. my favourite raw editor, lightzone is available for linux only as a time limited public beta at the moment. only 5 days left and still no official…
spring in the city II

yesterday was commuting day. spring in the city is so different and, at least for me, partially depressing when the songs of the birds mingle with the traffic noise. but optically it has it’s merits, translating trees into patterns, creating trompe l’oeil like bird silhouettes, bending straight lines, mixing coating colors of the glass with…

i confess, i confess, i confess: i too am guilty of the inevitable spring flower macros, encroaching the photographic websites from all directions now. ok, flickr has always high times for flower shots, and a lot of people turn up their nose on this. but even andreas manessinger already found himself seduced by flowers again……
chasing the biker

as it is brighter now when i leave the office, more photogenic sceneries show up. waiting for the bus, large numbers of bikers, ringing their bells, chased the waiting passengers from the bike lane. across the street, the scenery was different – the biker graffiti seemed to get chased by the cars. spring in the…
Weißbach flowing

recently i had discussions with colleagues of the local photo group about moving water in photography. there are obviously two fractions: flow haters aka. freeze lovers and soft flow lovers. whilst the latter enjoy the extension to the human eye in form of the camera’s ability to show the movement of the water, the first…
snow and fence
north face over schwarzbach

easter monday i got some free time and went to an alpine meadow near the ‘queralpenstrasse’ (alpine transversal road) just 20min far from home. under the north face of Reiteralm there was still a lot of snow, and from time to time avalanches broke free high above our heads. the woods here have suffered a…
Now tell me, is this easter?
salzburg from mönchsberg
back to salzburg after a long time, and for the first time on the mönchsberg. the weather was fine for a short time and the sun already low at 3:00 pm which caused fine shadows and a great plasticity in the structures below. my favourite is this jumble of roofs and chimneys, lined up along…
parking tickets

the old sycamore tree with its expressive figure and cortex iuxtaposes nicely the oh so mundane ‘parking tickets’ signboard. lightzone again proved to be a valuable tool to darken the background a little bit and except it from the sharpening algorithms. the second shot is the shadow of St. Ägidius church here in Bad Reichenhall.…
layered ice

after winter came back into our valley for three days and brought some fresh snow, i used some free hours to go back to weissbach canyon to look for water and ice. those layers above covered several square meters of rocks. in the end they stopped my exploring of the canyon as they were impossible…
the last gobbets

this image is a lecture of seeing for me. our photo group wasvisiting a local vernissage and i made use of the occasion to train myfingers, and eyes so i thought. everything very conventional, some nicesnaps of kids and the artist, but no real picture. we went up tothe balustrade with some more collages on…
stormy weather

after the storm has been ebbing, i dared to go out again without having to fear flying branches or roof tiles. winds were still fierce so I captured the moving leaves. a second try where the shaking spring snowflakes here. So my new tripod proved to be a stable support for the camera even in…
city lights – go yellow
deeply rooted

spending some time outside on one of our favourite spots i noticed those deeply rooted, strong trees – probably hornbeams. It is part of a series i took, just follow the link. i am considering to re-shoot this with different focus distances, given i can install helicon focus via wine on my linux box. sharpness…
faint evening light
color and rust

maybe it’s only a sort of necrophilia, but i do have to admit that i usually enjoy broken down machinery much more than the new, chrome fineshed, ultra polished specimen. having half an hour to wander around next to the kid’s skiing area, i noticed an old tractor left under some elder bushes for further…
lonesome track
the art of engineering: removing all uneccessary parts. engineering my picture, i applied the same maxim – killing the clutter. when my ladies were skiing, i took an hour off and went my own ways in a different, less populated part of this mountain (hard to find, i can tell you). even harder it was…