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Train Station, Munich Venice was a short interlude, prolific in terms of photography, but the normal week days are working days with commuting as part of the routine. Meanwhile I have the camera at hand whenever I leave the train, and this image found me barely 10m away from the platform. For quite some time…

Different Styles V

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Quinto Ramo del Parangon, Venice As these masks are probably sold in hundred thousands every year, I did not dare to turn them around and search for the (most probably) Chinese vendor ID. But they are much more agreeable for my eyes than any Mickey Mouse or Simpson.

Arcs Et Ciel

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Piazza San Marco, Venice

This image reminded me of the French expression for rainbow, “arc-en-ciel”, arch-in-the-sky. Guess I have some preference for playing with words as well as with images.

Sant’ Erasmo Fireplug

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Via delle Motte, Sant’ Erasmo, (osm)

Through an Italian Expat in Germany we were directed to the island of Sant’ Erasmo, where we found an unexpectedly quiet and friendly hotel (Il Lato Azurro). This island is 30 minutes by boat away from Venice, but approaching Venice by ship has its own merits. And on Sant’ Erasmo I saw my first Venice…