
Back Road With Lilies

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Dingle Peninsula, (osm)

Demanding for the driver these back roads certainly are, especially when the driver is not used to left side driving. I can’t count the times any more when I tried to find the gear shift with my right hand, tried to open the safety belt with the wrong hand or killed the engine because of my inability to adapt to the gear shift scheme with my unskilled left arm. My average speed was *really* low, the Irishs’ is not. At least I did not kill any mirror up to now. The sights are rewarding most any meter of these small roads, only my tunnel view when concentrating on traffic and road conditions hinders me to see even more.


    1. Eric, Ireland is certainly a both interesting and agreeable country to visit – the landscape can be magnificient or terse (or both), people are extremely friendly, and in contrary to these “permanent summer” locations you can have three seasons in one day.

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