
instead of eating burgers

my daughters were invited by a classmate for a birthday party in salzburg airport center’s burger king, and i did prefer not to stay. hence the title (which is an adaption of moscow art trio’s “instead of making children”, a worthy recommendation for you jazz fans out there), and my mood then was comparable to…

iron aristolochia

done with the china series, carl weese’s blog example as well as paul butzi’s current statement motivated me (again) to record what i see. in this fire ladder a crafted blacksmith commissioned by an art-inclined houseowner have created a functional item with aesthetic value. in winter time, the iron leaves are there alone, whereas in…

having read the newspaper

probably. reason enough he would have with all those headlines on war, injustice, hunger, epidemies. you haven’t noticed? ah, they are not soo big today, nothing special, just the normal daily dose. this is a wooden statue in my hometown’s spa garden. often i’ve tried to make a picture out of it, and now again…

buddhist temple, beijing

that christmas hiatus was not planned (not to self: better write holiday posts in advance…), so ex post my best christmas wishes, alternatively seasons greetings to you all. there is a small number of china pictures left which i would like to share, starting with this view of the buddhist temple in the summer residence…

imperial patterns in nature

there are many aspects on which to judge a government ruling 100 years ago. the cultural revolution in china found resonance among the millions who suffered under a violent regime that in many ways abused human workforce just for the aggrandissement and luxury of the ruling class (and just a flash of thought: what will…

unbroken reverence

found on the wall of a kiosk in the more touristic areas. well, that’s probably capitalism: to sell whatever is requested. and here in my county at home, militaria and obscene relics of 1939-1945 also are requested and sell only too well. but the combination of heroic posters of the cultural revolution and the iuxtaposing…

from imperial splendor into the poorer quarters

the exit gate of the forbidden city shone in such a fresh and strong red that it was almost painful in the eyes – and to the sensor, as the histogram showed. a friend later on told me that the preliminaries of the olympic games 2008 had included a real orgy in paint, even in…

on photographers

the forbidden city of course was full of people photographing, themselves like the lady in the lead picture (which i found amazing in the iuxtaposition of a single figure against those incountable roofs), each other, the architecture, also me. a european man with a ponytail is so extraordinary that especially gals wanted me to pose…

roof details in the forbidden city

in the maze of the forbidden city, you always get carried on by the masses of tourists (local tourists in my case), but when you manage to reach a corner you can stay for a while and watch the delicate beauty for example of the roof tiles. in yesterday’s blog entry i already mentioned b.…

freezing in the forbidden city

it seems that the history of the chinese emperor’s regime is in an adapted way now repeating: legions from the working class are doing low paid jobs whilst a small number of highest class are enjoying boundless wealth. The abundant treasures of the forbidden city reminded me immediately of b. brecht’s poem “who built thebes…

stuck in the crowd or: the chairman is watching

leaving the hotel at 6:15 was not enough: there was already quite a crowd – 99% chinese – at tiananmen square, chatting in the cold morning air and all waiting for the flag to be brought by clockwork-like moving soldiers to the flag pole. and i was in the midst, all i could see were…

gloss and paint

beijing airport was impressive, to say the least. dimension-wise as well as in puncto tidiness, and at least from the latter those pictures should give an impression. in europe it is common wisdom that societies with a socialist background usually have an enormous amount of hidden unemployment by entertaining low paid support jobs that would…