
Yellow Leaf, Mallows

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Saturday morning provided opportunity for a short stroll through the neighborhood when overcast sky and slight fog were still prominent. I like this kind of light very much, and as I had only two fast primes with me, the light level was not a problem. Only the autofocus was, wide open I sometimes had the…

Other Blogs: Dania Maxwell

Through a post on Conscientious I was directed to the work of Dania Patricia Maxwell, a graduate student in the School of Visual Communications at Ohio University. Strong work in her portfolios (check out at least “Home Drive” and “Singles”) as well as her blog. She really manages to transport her vision through the lens.

Rural Slam Dunks, Passed

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Some 20 years ago, Basketball became popular for a short time also here in Germany – and the home improvement stores all sold basketball baskets in great numbers. But Germany is a soccer world all over again, the nets on the baskets faded, disintegrated, and vanished. The metal rings you still find as mementos even…

Old Engineering Town Hall, Munich

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The City of Munich is proud of its villagey character and therefore has decided in the year 2004 not to allow new high-risers to be built in the (largely drawn) center of the city – only outside the ring streets this remains possible. But in the very center of Munich there still is a 12-storey…

October Wallpapers

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October’s wallpapers match the current (German) season: Grey drizzle, foliage not yet colored. The autumn weather was strange this year. Due to moderate temperatures and enough humidity the dying of the leaves is somewhat postponed. But as I am not chasing postcard-suitable subjects this is not a drawback at all, on the contrary.

Selle Royal

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It seems that commuting problems become a root of photographic endeavours: The “Batticaloa Fences” gallery finally was realized due to a delay, several of my commuting images resulted of unplanned stops, and today’s mini gallery of the “Dust Bikes” resulted from me leaving too late for the station and missing the train for just seconds……

Not Being Sick

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For a given reason I made several visits to this hospital. Whilst the medical treatment without doubt is first class – many families from the near east oil dynasties travel here – the space made a somewhat depressing impression on me. The only minuscule changes between the images certainly speak of a leaden time.

Octoberfest Bomb Blast’s 30th Anniversary

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October September 26h, 1980: Thousands of visitors are entering the Octoberfest in Munich through the main entrance. Suddenly a detonation shreds the constant flow of people: A right-wing extremist had detonated a bomb inmidst the crowd, killing 13 and wounding hundreds. The attacker, too, got killed in the explosion. At that time Germany was still…

New Gallery: Batticaloa Fences

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Since quite some time I had planned to revisit older images. Yesterday’s train delay, that made me spend a very uncomfortable time in an even more uncomfortable train station at night, finally gave me the opportunity to do this. Besides some tagging in bibble5 (which is not yet as comfortable as I’d wish it to…

Danger: Urban Octopus!

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The administration of the City of Munich is distributed over many buildings, and commuting to and from meetings is mandatorily done via public transport (the Lord Mayor and a handful of Heads of Department being the only exception). And me, I carried a camera when meeting colleagues of the survey department, so I could document…

Potential for Growth

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First part of this early morning commuting trip was a walk in the rain, and against my usual habit I had enough time when reaching the station. Well, meanwhile it’s still dark when I leave, but the wet plaster made up for nice reflections to frame those poor, forlorn-looking small box bushes. It will take…