Urban Acacias
Gott – God

The appropriate image for a sunday. When looking at it, I am pondering the question how they paid the royalities for using this intellectual property. I mean, in times of those anti-democratic ACTA negotiations and treaties, you become quite vulnerable if you get caught with a brand you don’t own.
Before The Rain Set In

I almost killed my DSLR yesterday. I had left it on the table under the office window when an evening thunderstorm brought so much rain that the lightwell outside the window filled with dammed up rainwater that the sewerage system could not drain any more. So the water pressed through the window sealings and –…
In Lockstep
Excursion: Nes****, What Else

A poignant reminder about the truth of the Einstein quote “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the the universe” reached me just now: The infamous baby-killer (albeit African ones) company of the seventies, Nestlé, will introduce “BabyNes”, just see this link. I am just thinking who will…
The Bankers’ Castle
Shades Of Red
City Atrium

Upcoming Storm
Commuting Dynamics
Long Shadows
Staircase Downwards
Just Out Of The Office
Another Urban Tree
Think While You Shoot

“Think while you shoot” is an advice, that Martin Munkacsi gave when asked for a recipe to create good photographs. The exhibition in the hall of a great Bavarian insurance company was curated by F. C. Gundlach, himself not only a famous photographer in the middle of last century, but also a collector of photographs,…
Penseuse Plongée – Submerged Thinkerin
Neither Odd Nor Molly

I can only speculate about the motives why a young lady would label herself ‘Odd Molly’, but most probably the keyword is ‘Label’. Even considerate, above-average intelligent people sometimes can mutate to voluntary advertising pillars, if the label is in or hot or both. I admit, I prefer to stick with Naomi Klein’s “no logo”…
Passive Mobility
Fashion I Admire

Maybe this can be explained by the fact that Austria has lost all their Imperial and Royal coasts in WWI. Other attempts might result in speculations if air pollution is so high, or it is necessary to hide something… or there might be nothing to hide given you buy this outfit, or or or… Most…