
Three Windows

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Where is that button for “seeing”? This image found me on the way to the pharmacy, suffering from a heavy cold and otherwise pretty much oblivious for everything going on around me. For sure I was not in a deliberate state of “heightened awareness” (to quote the Landscapist, here), but perhaps that flu induced tunnel…

Golden Gingko

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The walk home after a long day commuting to the office brought and unexpected picture: Progressing autumn had coloured the Gingko tree’s leaves yellow, the spotlight from below enhanced it and the night sky had just the right brightness as a contrast. However it did not meet me unexpected: I had already seen other trees…

Tête-à-Tête, Watched

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My recents strolls through landscape and city were easy, recreative and at the same time prolific. Recently the amount of gear I use (and carry) reduced itself drastically: at the moment I have less need for both long or very short focal lengths. Most of my images were/are created with either the 28mm/85mm primes or…

Yellow Leaf, Mallows

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Saturday morning provided opportunity for a short stroll through the neighborhood when overcast sky and slight fog were still prominent. I like this kind of light very much, and as I had only two fast primes with me, the light level was not a problem. Only the autofocus was, wide open I sometimes had the…

Other Blogs: Dania Maxwell

Through a post on Conscientious I was directed to the work of Dania Patricia Maxwell, a graduate student in the School of Visual Communications at Ohio University. Strong work in her portfolios (check out at least “Home Drive” and “Singles”) as well as her blog. She really manages to transport her vision through the lens.