The name of these supermarkets was fascinating me since my first visit here in Krk. On the background of the socialist history of this country I found it even more interesting.
Here in Krk, blue sky and turquoise water render a superficially fine impression. But this is not the Italian Adria, where armies of machinery and men each morning clean the beaches of all kinds of litter brought by nightly winds and waves, in order to maintain the (equally superficial) impression of clean littoral areas. The…
No twist in this image, no opportunity for a rant or talkin’ politics. Family holidays mean just some occupation with mundane things like driving, setting up a the caravan, getting the kids into and out of the water and so on. Private time was restricted to two images of the evening clouds and now some…
In her comment to the last post, Martina pointed at the attempts of the people to make their environment more homely. This was probably the motivation, too, to set up this bird’s house in the front yard just 50m away from the scenery with the flower pots. But in times of ubiquitous home improvement stores,…
Having run errands for/with the family the last days forces me to resort to another image of the Wimbach Canyon, already subject of two postings in the last week. As Thomas had stated correctly: “One of those ever-greens”. And as long as it works, I don’t feel guilty, even if the Wimbach cascades are not…
This certainly is a diametral counterdraft to yesterday’s Bus Stop photos. Prince Archbishop Markus Sitticus erected this garden with its aquatic surprises in the early 17th century for the pleasure of himself and his aristocats. Democratized now, they are visited by legions of tourists and provide a major source of income for Salzburg.
I am astonished again and again how much I have missed over the many years that I use this bus stop. Or expressed positively: Since working to develop my photographic skills my visual sensorium perceives interesting things in constantly increasing numbers. And the contentment lies more and more in discovering and in sharing subtle things…
Images with two centers of interests have have to fight the problem of diverting the attention of the viewers focus. I hope the staging here is sufficient to give enought attraction to the nearer cascade before the gaze wanders to the bright spot in the background – and hopefully comes back. It’s a risk, but…
The Wimbach (-bach is the german word for creek) brings the waters down from Mt. Watzmann, which has the most prominent shape of the mountains here in the Berchtesgadener Land. The creek itself runs through a short canyon, offering cascades of all sorts and in all lighting situations. Now in spring time they are abundant,…
Forcedly spending some time at the fairground (too noisy, too many too young kids and too much alcohol around), I exercised my 85mm lens, trying to find out the right compression for that cacophonia of light and movement and sound. It was only when editing the images that I found that face included in all…
I have certainly a faible for forests. Of course you don’t find many natural forests over her outside of the national parks. What I do find interesting in those normal forests, owned by either farmers or the government, are those markings and boards, warnings or direction signs, which, once applied, are left decaying when they…
You will have noticed that the sidebar now greets you with a kiva.org banner on top. Optical aspects aside – the colors of the ad can be distracting until you enlarge the main post’s photography by clicking on it – I found it high time to extend my private support of kiva.org by advocating it…
Evening light helped a lot to increase the magic of “The Paradise”, and my trusty tripod was absolutely necessary, as the light level dropped really fast due to the overcast sky. Even in-camera-stabilisation did find its limits there. Focusing was a bit difficult as I didn’t want to include too much background detail, but shallow…
A smalll evening photo walk with the local photographers group (not to confound with the duck’s camera club) gave some nice results despite of the grey weather and early dusk. Unexpectedly the air was almost quiet, greatly helping with the slow shutter speeds. The place is a local backwater, commonly denominated “The Paradise”. As the…