Utilities Corner
Red Ball
Green Staircase
Green Backyard
Kingdom Of Heaven
The Lake Smiles, It Invites To Bathe
Too Late
As Cold As It Looks
The Reasoning Of Mortals Is Worthless And Our Designs Are Likely To Fail

The Salzburg cathedral greets all the visitors with this banner, showing a sentence from the Holy Bible’s book of wisdom (9:14). I follow the anti-nuclear movement since 25+ years, but I can’t remember a bishop’s church publicly giving such a firm statement. A worthy cause – albeit not the strongest image – for my blog…
Rose Mural

Update: Replaced the image with a new jpg version from raw, where a tad Noise Ninja USM adds sharpness. I am still in the experimenting phase with the raw conversion from the LX3. And please remember that most of the images in this blog open in a larger version when you click on them.
Red Pillars
Backdoor Stairs
Urban Beach, Empty
Round And Square
More Square Architecture
Square Architecture II
Square Architecture
Water Brings Life
Royal Administration Building, vulgo “Beamtenstock”
Men At Maypole Work

While static subject matter is no challenge for a tiny camera, moving subject is. In order to avoid exceeding stress, I worked the camera at the set-up festival for the maypole in Grossgmain, an Austrian village in the neighborhood. Unless I’ve learned some more tricks, sceneries like that are challenging the photographer (aka me) more…
May Wallpapers

One of the reasons to enjoy life: It’s beautiful in my hometown. This image was taken on a stroll, barely 10 minutes from our flat. Photographically one could argue if there is enough detail in the shadows, but I decided against some technical surgeries for the simple reason that, observing the sky and the clouds,…