
The Reasoning Of Mortals Is Worthless And Our Designs Are Likely To Fail

. Tagged with Urban
Salzburg Cathedral, Austria

The Salzburg cathedral greets all the visitors with this banner, showing a sentence from the Holy Bible’s book of wisdom (9:14). I follow the anti-nuclear movement since 25+ years, but I can’t remember a bishop’s church publicly giving such a firm statement. A worthy cause – albeit not the strongest image – for my blog…

Men At Maypole Work

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While static subject matter is no challenge for a tiny camera, moving subject is. In order to avoid exceeding stress, I worked the camera at the set-up festival for the maypole in Grossgmain, an Austrian village in the neighborhood. Unless I’ve learned some more tricks, sceneries like that are challenging the photographer (aka me) more…

May Wallpapers

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Streitbichl, Bavaria

One of the reasons to enjoy life: It’s beautiful in my hometown. This image was taken on a stroll, barely 10 minutes from our flat. Photographically one could argue if there is enough detail in the shadows, but I decided against some technical surgeries for the simple reason that, observing the sky and the clouds,…