I can only speculate about the motives why a young lady would label herself ‘Odd Molly’, but most probably the keyword is ‘Label’. Even considerate, above-average intelligent people sometimes can mutate to voluntary advertising pillars, if the label is in or hot or both. I admit, I prefer to stick with Naomi Klein’s “no logo” motto. But probably some mollies are odd.
How do you know she wasn’t odd or Molly, did you stop her and ask? Thanks for a second chuckle this week!
Colin, I had the chance of a frontal view when she tried to cross the street. So, visibly odd she was not. Regarding molly: weight-wise she seems to be more in the Kate Moss category 🙂
At a flea market, I purchased a clip for my necktie that said “Harold” in glittering letters.
The seller said “I knew somebody named Harold would like that.
I replied that my name was not “Harold” and that, if it were, I would certainly not buy it.
As for “Odd Molly”, go to oddmolly.com, where you will find that it is a line of women’s clothing.
Tyler, my remarks were somewhat tongue-in-cheek, googling for odd molly was the first thing I did. I have no problems with labels, but I prefer to have them inside – I’d certainly wouldn’t run around with sunglasses that shout Ray-Ban at my counterpart nor with a shirt that proudly presents me as Tommy H. or a cap shrieking ‘Stussi’. But a lot of people seem to find satisfaction in being a walking ad panel, or at least they don’t mind.
That these labels are used to form and distinguish “in” and “out” groups, especially among the juveniles – my daughter can tell me long stories from school – makes them even more suspicious for me. In the end clothing like that usually gets produced overseas in Free Trade Areas for absolute minimum wages and then sold overpriced to people who have internalized that this label is good for their status. No Logo for me, please.