
photographer and daughters

Salzburg, House of Nature many of the howto-photobooks i have read recommend repeating patterns as a recipe for better pictures. so i couldn’t resist this setup (in the science center of salzburg’s “house of the nature”). the first pictures with only yours truly as subject were a bit dull, but soon one of the daughters…

a blue bike for andreas

over at his blog andreas manessinger showcases his one-image-a-day post number one-thousand! my heartfelt congratulations for the many excellent images he showed, his extraordinary perseverance, and not least his communicative skills. andreas’ blog was the first blog i followed regularly when i started blogging myself. and in the beginning it were largely his encouraging and…

le figaro

the way home from office in munich invariably leads my steps along a hairdresser’s shop on one of the main roads, and the light and reflections as well as the colors are always interesting. this window was already subject matter for this post, but this time i caught the barber in action.

headless mannequins

the axelmannstein hotel, where i found this abandoned showroom, had it’s high times in the 20th of last century. at that time, everybody who was rich and/or famous spent his/her time in this summer health resort, famous for the healing effects of the brine aerosols on the respiratory system. the tailors had their summer business…

spirea and hazel

contrary to the common beliefs (read the landscapist for details, especially the nonsense about ‘hue and saturation to the max’) what the ‘beautiful pictures crowd’ does, i was working with the saturation slider in negative direction. the forenoon light, evened out by some clouds, made the spirea glow, so i could reduce the corkscrew hazel…

weariness in vision and written

as always commuting into the city confronts me with urban sceneries very different from what i would prefer to have as my surroundings. but in contradiction to the gut feeling i know that this tension presumably keeps my senses active and vigilant. but that morning i found the weather as grey as my mood, matching…

cascades and bluebells

in case you have difficulties to find the bluebells: better click on the image and see it large! trying to find the best compromise between sharp water droplets and the impression of fast moving water i did a small series with different exposure times, and 1/100s gave the best result. this was a bit astonishing…

street encounter

the wet weather here in bavaria was not only in the headlines of the yellow press. even serious newspapers ask meteorologists for scientific explanations and/or longer-term forecasts – which are impossible to give for our geographic situation. the only reliable trends are for higher average temperatures, but this is not so surprising. and for local…

3 + 1

real life kicking in can mean: coordinate reprojection utility has to be done before yesterday, printint utility does not work, car has to go to the workshop, kid 1 has to rehearse violin, kid 2 harp, kid 3 is unhappy with the maths test, wife away for a parent-teacher conference, the most urgent letter has…

sofobomo: a victim of the selection process

nice synonym for the catch i sometimes find on my flash cards. but sometimes those emblematic empty bottles just hide their merits (or less sugarcoated: they have to wait for a more clear-sighted moment). carl weese hinted in a comment he made yesterday on the value of an archive and the necessity of a 2nd…

sofobomo 09: strengthening my vision

reviewing my selection process for the images to be included into the book, i made an interesting observation, for which today’s lead shot can serve as an example. during the first review of the pictures within days after their creation, i had a very different attitude towards their qualities. the image above came out only…

sofobomo 09: finished it is

finished. after some intensive hours my sofobomo 09 book is ready. it is available from the sofobomo website here: batticaloa fishermen. scribus proofed to be a reliable tool for this work, it can only be recommended. the resulting pdf is 7 mb for more than 40 images with 150dpi, so compression works reasonably well. plans…

shadows on the wall, and power lines

the already familiar alleys of krk showed different aspects in the late afternoon soon, walking them together with the kids. the earlier visits i had paid to them early in the morning, when light and air were cooler and daily life was just starting. together with the family, working a scene was not possible –…