Being out with the kids on a slope for sleigh riding (with all due diligence, it’s just a year that I postedthis), I retreated a bit from the crowd and spent some time at the edge of the woods. The shapes of the logs I always find interesting, but then: this is a subject matter that’s probably photographed to death already. The combination with the people on the hill fascinated me, even more so when using unsharpness as a means of generalisation.
But now for something completely different: Danish photographer Peter Stewart is on my reading list since a long time. He has a collection of (mainly) very quiet, even meditative seascapes. After a period of irregular posting he seems to have found his sources of power again. So if you have a faible for landscapes of the silent, definitely not hue-and-saturation-to-the-max type, then you should mine his blog for real gems and stay tuned for his new work.
Markus, thanks for the nod and link to Peter Stewart’s site. He’s done some beautiful work I really like so I’ve subscribed to his feed to see what comes next.
Over photographed or not, I like the snow covered logs and the people do add an edge to the scene.