For me the necessary balance for carnival’s blithesomeness. 30 minutes out at the shore of a pond, looking up into the grey clouds and sometimes getting a glimpse of the mountains above is real recreation, alas not a very companionable one. But there is time for every event under heaven, an appointed time…
Children’s Carneval
Talk about secondary benefits: the kids had their fun catching sweets thrown from the windows and the balconies into the crowd, but I was much more interested in some snaps of the disguised figures. So I did, a welcome diversion from the cold landscapes that my photographical interest usually centers on in these days.
Next Stop: Agora
Update: I added a screenshot of bibble5 in action on this image. In the top row you find the thumbnail of the unmodified raw just right to the highlighted thumbnail. The effect of the LAB modification is the extreme narrowing of the blue and green values. The tint was achieved by moving the grey point…
Salzburg Take Two
My preference for shallow depth of field is well known, but of course it is not suitable for each and every subject. Since some time I am experimenting with means to transport the specific way in which the camera records to the viewer. Shallow depth of field is, as well as bokeh, a concept unknown…
Looking for Grumpy Old Men
Fantasy Forest Trees
The dreamy effect in the image above results from the lens wide open at f2.2. To get enough interesting detail I used the detail slider of lightzone – bibble5 currently offers no such tool. There was no toning necessary as the evening (non-)light with shutter speeds of 10 to 30s provided a natural blue toning.
Frozen Swimming Lake
This was one of the rare occasions where I dug out my summer lens, the venerable 16-80mm zoom. It renders very sharp images, but the slow f-stops from 3.5 to 4.5 make it quite unsuitable during our current short and dark winter days, especially when the sky is overcast. But here I could stop down…
Visual LSD
Playful in the Snow
Evening at the Lake
The lake we are heading for in the summer is now a cold, almost lifeless place (besides that one bald coot trying to destroy the reflection). But for a walk it is attractive now, even more so when light snowfall dampens the noise of the cars. Having the tripod with me instead of the fashy…
Winter Weeds
Leaf in Decay
As winter cold works its way towards spring time, the old leaves that survived autumn hanging on the twigs no loose more and more of their structure. The normal brown-black changes again and with the vanishing of parts of the cells brighter layers become visible for a short time. Rain and snow will wash them…
Trees of a different Kind

Last weekend was sort of a landmark in the change of the seasons: for the first time we had direct sunlight again in our kitchen since beginning of december last year, as now the sun higher on the horizon again. But the during the week work usually finishes only when it’s already dark again. Learning…
Steinway Still Life
Going through some meagre days regarding the opportunity to photograph, I take what comes along the way. This one is from the music school concerto I was attending to hear my eldest daughter play piano. Well worth the time spent as she and her colleagues, some of them contestants for a state level competition, performed…
Yellow Rubber Boots and Pillars
Stubnmusi – Parlour Music

Winter in Bavaria was traditionally the time for ‘Stubnmusi’, where farmers and farm hands and maybe the teacher of a village came together to play music – in summer everybody was busy, so there was less occasion for a get-together or (bavarian) ‘Hoagascht’. Blessed with daughters who volunteered to learn instruments, I am a lucky…
Winter, not Grey
Snow in Sodium Light
While it is not always convenient to take photographs during winter time, leastwise it is a challenge: familiar subjects change completely, some vanish, others appear, many of them in a quite volatile way, especially when related to snow. Seeing better the more images I take, the orange-yellow color of the snow catched my eye. Together…
Carl Weese’s Drive-In Theaters in the Lens Blog
© Carl Weese Carl Weese is probably known to you through his blogs Working Pictures and WPII: Pictures in Public. Those who have visited his website for sure have seen his series about the derelict and decaying drive-in movie theaters. From a European point of view, drive-in movie theaters seem to an inseparable part of…
Japanese Maple
Haiti Earthquake
Most of you will have heard of or seen images of the terrible earthquake that hit Haiti. This country was one of the poorest on earth before, and now many of those whose life already was hardship have lost their relatives, their health, their meagre posessions. All of the big humanitarian organisations are collecting donations…
Walking to the Bridge

This bridge is in a park nearby. The reflections I showed you some days back. During yesterday’s grey weather with slight snowfall I needed a break, so I grabbed my camera with two primes (42 mme and 127 mme) and walked round the pond to the bridge. All postprocessing was done with the new bibble5.…
No Daisy no Snow
The newspapers and broadcasts on friday had one favorite headline: Depression ‘Daisy’ will bring blizzards with vast amounts of snow and will probably stop public life for quite some time. The German administration even advised to buy a stock of food, drinking water, flashlight batteries and so on. Nothing happened so far, and now speculation…