Ludwigsvorstadt, Munich
To celebrate Cartier-Bresson’s birthday, The Online Photographer has called for a Street Photography Day. Here are my 0.02 € (as long as this currency still exists).
Ludwigsvorstadt, Munich
To celebrate Cartier-Bresson’s birthday, The Online Photographer has called for a Street Photography Day. Here are my 0.02 € (as long as this currency still exists).
Ever since I read Leica-expert Erwin Puts’ observation: “…[Henri Cartier-Bresson] made some of the most memorable pictures of the human condition. His best period was from 1930 to 1950 when he traveled the world searching for a reality that could be frozen into a harmonious ballet of players enhanced by a theatrical background.” I was able to better appreciate H. C-B.’s best work, apart from all the babble others insisted on gushing.
Tyler, I saw some of HBC’s early work in the exhibition “Magnum’s First” and I really was transfixed by his images of Ghandi.
Well seen! This shadow reminds me of some type of hieroglyphic and could have been a story into itself without the man on the right.
Thanks, Earl. Sometimes I like to experiment with layers in my images, concocting a mysterious mixture of seemingly unconnected elements, like this man whom I see rudimentary repeating the shape of the shadow.