Flashy Christmas
City Bikers
Murano Glas
Finally: Snow
Petri Dish
Santa Glasses
Couleurs Du Maghreb VIII

This is the last installment of my images from Sidi Bou Saïd. That cold and windy afternoon offered some wonderful sceneries. This was certainly not the typical tourist season weather, but I had a much more private and quiet time than if I’d have to share the streets with the summer’s legions of tourists. I…
Couleurs Du Maghreb VII

After a lot of deliberation, it seems that both backup and restore measures were successful. There are some issues left with the galleries, but these are consequences of a gallery software update and I have to resolve these manually. It turned out that my old strategy of distributing services was successful again: As the domain…
Blog Note
Nice surprise in the evening: My friendly hoster not only suspended but terminated my account without warning. The action that led to termination was the upgrade of the wordpress version. The account was terminated without providing any documentary evidence of the alleged overusage of ressources. At least financially the potential loss is bearable, but I…
Couleurs Du Maghreb VI

Blog note: This blog suffers since months from degrading performance, culminating in suspension of service because of allegiated overusage of ressources twice this week. I am taking the necessary steps and search for a better hosting. This consumes time however, and a solution probably will not be at hand within days. Please bear with me.
Couleurs Du Maghreb V
Couleurs Du Maghreb IV

Walking up the main road of Sidi Bou Saïd, a former religious and then artist’s village, leads invariably to the Café des Nattes (here in the background), the place where August Macke had created one of his most renowned aquarels. The image here is from the blog Art and Architecture, which also makes an interesting…
Couleurs Du Maghreb III

As blue as it can probably get for a door – and the image was made in the blue hour, under not the typical pretty pictures circumstances, having to resort to ISO 800 to fight the incoming darkness. Yet it’s perfect blue, without having lost too much of the low and soft light’s qualities.
Couleurs Du Maghreb II
Couleurs Du Maghreb I

I am back home from my trip to Tunisia, and whilst it was prolific in terms of (administrative) business, photography-wise it was sub-par. Especially the lack of time, combined with the accomodation remote from Tunis’ center did not cater for abundant opportunities. But then, I took what offered itself, and the colours of Coca Cola…
Tutmosis and Wall
Hotel Pool

I found this staircase decoration in an administrational building in Bolzano. If I compare this kind of spirited architecture and sophisticated and witty placement of art with our precast-concrete-slab ashlar, tears are not far. Currently I am sitting in Frankfurt airport – having successfully circumvented a police block because of a bomb threat – waiting…