What happened in Norway simply leaves me speechless. As Juha I have daughters in the age where they go to summer camps, so I can’t simply push aside that terror. And reminiscences of 9.11. come back, when our foster son was so lucky to be stuck in a traffic jam instead of visiting as planned the twin towers on that day.
What a denial of all values of humanity, what an insane perversion of religion believing that mass murder could be a necessary action. It is frightening to see how close the most adverse ideologies are again in the choice of their means. My heart is with all humans having to mourn the loss of a beloved.
Today’s image was made in Omišalj, in the north of the island of Krk. It is the leading image of a small gallery of black and white images that you can find here. And it’s also the last of this batch of Krk images.
Everything that one did yesterday or did today seems so … unimportant.
Agreed. After a while, considerate action will become important again. The only question is: what could hinder such distorted minds without sacrificing a free, open society.