The third Worldwide Photowalk takes place on July 24th, 2010. Following up last year’s event, I will again lead a photowalk in my hometown, Bad Reichenhall – come rain or come shine. 2009 we had plenty of fun in plenty of rain, so I am optimistic that the first part of the term will be the same, regardless of the weather.
If you are interested in joining us, just subscribe here: http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/bad-reichenhall-by-deutschland-2/.
Da bin ich natürlich wieder dabei, Markus! 🙂
Gut dass Du’s schon gesehen hast. Ich bin noch nicht dazugekommen, email-Einladungen an alle zu schreiben.
Good to see you had both:-)
Well, the photowalk reflected true life: You’ll have allways to face both of it 😉
Love the colors in the rain image.
Thanks, Don. I have to admit it took me a while to learn that “bad” weather can be at least as rewarding in terms of photography than sunshine.
Markus, my wishes are the 2010 Photowalk will be perhaps dryer and even more fun for you. Sadly, I will not participate in a local photowalk this year as I’ll be away for a few days.
Earl, living in the photographic diaspora, the photowalk is a good opportunity to meet up with some fellow photographers. The weather will decide about the outdoors/indoors ratio, meaning that much rain will result in one beer more. Not too bad, either way!
Hallo Markus. da bin ich gerne dabei!