… stand nur knöcheltief im Wasser 😉Aber das Weitwinkelobjektiv erzeugt eine Illusion von Raum, gefördert durch die Abwesenheit aller VergleichsmaßstäbeReply
What a great photo, Markus. It has a great deal of power, and a bit of curiosity. The stone almost looks like an animal’s head complete with an eye.Reply
Thanks, Jeff: Yes, the absence of all concrete referents transports a feeling for energy, and that was my intention – and the longer you look at it, the more likely your eye combine visual elements to known patterns.Reply
Klasse Foto!
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Doch: Wo „hing“ der Fotograf?
… stand nur knöcheltief im Wasser 😉
Aber das Weitwinkelobjektiv erzeugt eine Illusion von Raum, gefördert durch die Abwesenheit aller Vergleichsmaßstäbe
What a great photo, Markus. It has a great deal of power, and a bit of curiosity. The stone almost looks like an animal’s head complete with an eye.
Thanks, Jeff: Yes, the absence of all concrete referents transports a feeling for energy, and that was my intention – and the longer you look at it, the more likely your eye combine visual elements to known patterns.