
New Love in the Times of Plague

Steineralm, Bavaria

The times of plague have had adverse effects on my aging body’s fitness, therefore I bought a second-hand mountain bicycle some weeks ago. This turned out as a very good deal: The bicycle is a real beauty, roughly 25 years old but in very good condition, and my eagerness to work out grew with every successful short trip around my hometown.

Yesterday I started at 06:30 in the morning to avoid the summer heat and climbed 700m of altitude to Steineralm (1050m above sea level), where I arrived at 08:30 in wonderful morning light. After a strenous downhill stretch on steep gravel, I reached my home office just in time for the first conference call.

The rewards were manifold: The endorphines of struggle and success, the beautiful landscape and a wonderful tiredness in the evening!


  1. Da hast Du ja an einem Tag, gewissermassen in nuce, ein ganzes Leben durchmessen, von der Anstrengung über den Erfolg und die Schönheit hin zur Müdigkeit ?

    Es ist gut, wieder unterwegs zu sein, zumal in der herrlichen Landschaft, in der zu leben Du das Glück hast.

    Weiter so!


    1. Ja, ich denke ich bin auf einem guten Weg hin zu einem weniger bildschirmorientierten Leben. Das letzte Jahr habe ich mich viel zu wenig bewegt und ich bin mehr als froh, dass die Muckis sich wieder aktivieren lassen!

    1. Definitiv, Jürgen! In meinen besten Jahren, lang ist’s her, hab’ ich es schon mal auf 5000km/Jahr auf dem Fahrrad gebracht, aber jetzt kommen ja die allerbesten Jahre.

  2. The bike doesn’t look 25 years old. A front suspension and not any signs that I can see of rust. Very nice; I have recently thought about getting a bike myself for the exercise benefits. Yes, beautiful background landscape!

    1. Earl, it must be from 1995 or according to a catalogue of the manufacturing company I found – the company is long out of business. The frame is U.S. built from Aluminium, that’s the reason it shows no signs of decay. And I guess it was never used much – I had to replace the tires and the chain, now it runs like a charm. Highly recommended to get some workout, especially in the early morning hours to avoid the summer heat.

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