Why the ‘Psycho House’ mimics a Confederate Estate (I just revisited some Walker Evans photographs), I can’t tell. But it certainly fits in the overall tenor, where all things U.S. seem to be glorified and provide the furniture for the dreams of the fairground visitors – and I admit that for quite a long time this was true for me, too. And in retrospective I see it as a rare exception that one country so overwhelmingly dominates the whish lists of most probably a whole continent, and did this for decades, maybe even a century without too much reflection or critical appraisal. The anti-american movement in Europe, somewhat important probably only during the times of the Vietnam War, for now certainly is marginalized, which is good. But a more open discussion, also in the light of the impending TTIP treaty, is certainly necessary for both sides to better understand and accept the mutual sensibilities.
Das Spiel mit den Klischees verdrängt die wirklich wichtigen Themen & Auseinandersetzungen. Für mich funktioniert dieses Bild aber auch, weil die Verhandlungen zu TTIP immer schön hinter verschlossenen Türen geführt werden. Das ist nicht nachvollziehbar & schon gar nicht akzeptabel.
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
Ach, Florian, unsere Unterhändler wollen doch alle nur unser Bestes. Warum nur fällt es Dir und mir so schwer, daran zu glauben?