Sometimes images don’t get recognized immediately. After downloading it from the memory card, it got buried in the todo-pile, and it took quite a while until I unearthed it. Only when playing around with the overall contrast and the rendering of the textures – there’s still some headroom – I noticed small details that finally made me decide in favor of the image.
Other than pursuing my photography hobby, I am holding my breath and clenching my teeth watching the events in Fukushima as well as Libya. Whilst in the first case it seems to be much easier to pinpoint the sequence of wrong decisions starting 40 years back, Libya is truly a minefield. I am old enough to remember the different perspectives on Ghaddafi’s leadership – Lockerbie immediately comes to mind – that I now suspiciously follow the new volte-faces of our revered leaders. I hope I will be wrong, but I could imagine that again no genuine interest in improvements for the people of Libya and the whole region is the guideline, instead only badly disguised seeking for the the momentary advantage decides the actions.
Great summit view – reflecting on the view from the top of the society perhaps.
As you, I have been following with somewhat perplexed feelings what is happening. All this is affecting the discussion in Finland more than usual, as we have elections coming up in a few weeks, and a populistic party is rising, rising, …
This danger is more than real. The last state level elections saw the right wing nationalist party still out of parliament, but the approval among the young men goes up to 17%. Certainly a reason to worry.
Markus, I’m glad you went back and “recovered” these images to share — wonderful processing work. I especially like the first image with the details of the wooden structure and reflective quantities of the glass.
Of the other, I too watch both situations with something akin to dismay. I am weary of death and destruction in whatever form in may come in and yet I know what I feel is nothing compared to the suffering and loss occurring in those two areas. Plus, let us not forget all the dying and suffering in other areas, which began before and continues now, — it just isn’t making it into news spotlight at the moment.
Earl, the times have become less peaceful over the last decades – being it man-made wars and catastrophies or disasters of natural origins. Yes, weariness creeps in, and as we both live in countries not directly affected, it is a reaction we could afford. Still, to keep hope alive, we have to dedicate parts of our powers to those topics, ask questions, demand answers (from ourselves first), and we can’t give in easily. It’s our childrens’ world as well.