I beg your pardon for that abrupt change of topics, let me assure that it’s not done on purpose. It’s just the fate of a family father and hobby photographer, who tries to see and photograph the special things wherever he goes, but cannot always follow his preferences – let’s say for quiet, mystic landscapes. So today’s image was taken when I returned from running errands before leaving with the family for half a day of skiing. For training purposes I had only my camera with the 11-18mm zoom with me. Sometimes this kind of self-restriction works out well, because I just create with the tool I have instead of spending too much time thinking which tool would be even better. At least the lady on the bike would definitely have left by then.
Not that the skiing was bad (only photographically unproductive), but that scenery from the town had its charm for me.
Markus, I like this photo, the light and shadows are wonderful and the bike rider so softly in the background really makes a story. I like to think sometimes we are driven by a purposes we’re not aware of at the time. Here’s a delightful photo begging to be taken and you happened by with camera and a wonderful lens…purpose fulfilled!
🙂 Nice title! Let’s hope it’s not the remnants of a bike that was supposed to wait there for its owner – but just somebody who wanted to mark his/her parking place (sort of). The biker in the background at least adds to a rather relaxed atmosphere. You pressed the shutter just at the right moment…
Na, zugunsten eines schönes Skifahrer-Tages kann auch mal die Kamera Pause machen, es sei gestattet 🙂