More leaves, less words. These pictures seem to become more interesting the more time I spend editing and closely looking at them. And not only on the main subject, the leaves, but also on the way they interact with their environment. Can’t help it – I really like those images.
Looking at these photos…
The leaves are sharp and at first appear isolated from the rest of the scene by the shallow DOF. But upon further study you get the feeling they are one piece of the larger puzzle — the passing of autumn into winter. The background, even soft and our of focus, contributes greatly to the energy of the images. This may be a case where the total impact of a photo is greater the the sum of components.
Very interesting, indeed!
@Earl: This “they are one piece of the larger puzzle” was exactly the point that I tried to transport here. It is really fine – and happens not all that often – that my photography can precisely transport my intention, so I am most grateful for your words.
a beautiful autumn series, especially the last one … wonderful.