
Save the burghers, not the banks

Originally on the sticker is written “Rettet die Bürger, nicht die Banken”, which translates to the words of the headline. The “socialist german workers youth”, SDAJ does not even play a minor role in the political scenery of today, and only in dispersed parts of the city you can find their stickers or illegally sticked posters. But the headline on the stickers nicely matches the fire like lights in the street.

Beginning with today I have added the opportunity to send e-cards and buy prints or cards from the images on the blog. www.fotomoto.com offers a promising service. As I cannot realistically expect fine art prints from such this lab, I have opted for low prices, always keeping in the back of my mind the words from Tyler Monson: “No work of art should cost more than a fine meal, nor be required to last any longer.”. And in case you did not visit his blogs More Original Refrigerator Art and Here now, gone before long up to now, this might be a good cause.


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