
vivid waters

the amount of rainwater we received in the last two weeks changed also the appearance of the small cascades that are tributaries of the ‘weissbach’, a creek in a canyon not far from home. a canyon walk in the summer is nice as you experience temperature and brightness differences, but at that time of the year the water is low and those cascades are more or less trickling down. now the water is really vivid, and this is what i tried to capture here and afterwards to emphasize in postprocessing.

vivid waters(2) and not only the waters are vivid, the colors of the leaves are as well. and it was a beautiful different experience from summer’s heat and glaring light. even the kids sometimes stood and looked, which doesn’t happen too often with 8-years old ones. but the white-throated dipper of course was more interesting for them, only i was too slow to photograph it.


  1. I definately like waterfalls in each and every manifestation. But I'm not sure about the blurred leaves in the upper right half of the frame. For me they somewhat hinder my eyes when they try to follow the waters down.

    Sure looks like a place that can even hold the interest of an eight year old for a while. Gorgeous…

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