untypical for tulips, these are white. my favourite raw editor lightzone, which is now available as a commercial and supported product for linux – thanks lightcrafts – proved to be an excellent tool to just enhance the local contrast in the one focused tulip. the shot was taken with a more than 20 year old glass which i do like very much for its creamy bokeh when used white open.
the tulip to the right is red, but as red is so abundant in springtime pictures, i went for ‘something completely different’ and used the b&w conversion of lightzone. the region tool allowed me to additionally blur distracting foreground elements.
those two shots were made during a two hour excursion with friends from the local photo group. having worked very concentrated for the whole day, it was a pleasure and recreation to come into a “flow” of photographing, just focusing on composition, framing. this happened regardless of the expected results and forms a great part of the pleasure photography gives me.
Congrats to you for getting Lightzone back. As regards the image, I like it. Maybe I’d push a tad more warmth into it, though.