

    1. Thanks! There is quite some more in the queue, meaning that I can do some experimental b&w work here in Krk without having to post these at the beginning of the learning curve already.

      1. Prague. Krk. What are you doing, Europe hopping? 😉

        Aaah, in the most southern state of Germany there are Pfingstferien right now.

        1. You most certainly can bet on it. And epiphytical as kids at a certain age can be, they wanted to go to Krk again…

          1. You know that I fully understand that!

            I am complaining about the temperature going down below 20 °C in the next days. So: have fun! enjoy yourself! no experimental work! work = evil word. Even when it’s about photography. Have a nice vacation! Your girls are right! 😉

            1. Ah, that (the temperature drop) we will have by friday, too. But it makes a difference to shiver in a trailer or at home 😉

              Re. photography and work: I’d name it that kind of dreaded work if I had to deliver something, but the way it is, it’s more like occupation for the mind.

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