Jellyfish, Plastic
Shower, Krk
Mirror View
La Grande Grise

Wonderfully overcast sky – something I had feared in earlier days, associating it with dull pictures (which I made inevitably, even if only to fulfill prejudice) – presented me that graceful transition of sea into sky. I hope I didn’t miss too many dust spots. Back at home I will try to get it printed.…
No Power Here
Behind The Bus Terminal

Until I had bought the LX3, I had felt quite handicapped when trying to compose square images without any guidelines in the viewfinder. As I feel a certain affinity for that aspect ratio, most images with the LX3 I created in that mode. In the bright mediterranean light, the LX3 without EVF is no joy…
Diver On The Wall
Wanting To Photograph Some Flower Pots
Nothing Much Has Changed

The main ingredients for successful holidays are: mainly blue sky and reasonably high temperatures, bars and coffee shops, and not to many tourists (myself excluded, of course). Krk at pentecost offers all this, adding pre-roman, roman and venetian walls and houses plus excellent seafood. Content? Well, almost. My eyes are a bit restless, trying to…

We made our way to Krk ahead of the moving traffic jam, taking advantage of our location between the large population centers and our holiday destination. All went well, the steep non-tarred access road to our trailer’s winter storage being the only minor last minute obstacle. Meanwhile we’ve set up camp and start relaxing –…
Lounge In The City
Tired Commuters
Waiting For The Spa Guests
Mister, Take My Picture!

When I read Carl Weese’s post here, I immediately remembered a similar event in 2007. Funny thing is that both the boys and I were native German speakers. But in Salzburg everybody strolling around with a camera seems to wear that invisible “tourist” badge, and tourists usually come from abroad. So those cool Salzburg youngsters…
Old Farmhouse

Despite the recently acquired LX3 I still do enjoy my SLR, like here with a long focal length. The two cameras instill different ways of photography, sometimes enforce them due to their limitations (namely composing on a display instead of a viewfinder, especially in bright light), but it’s not that one could rule out the…
Salzburg Blues
A La Mode
The Photographer’s Daughter
June Wallpapers

The June wallpapers are here, as usual. This month’s image was made in the ‘Pinakothek der Moderne’ in Munich, which has a wonderful collection of contemporary design, too. And they don’t forbid photography in the museum (without flash of course) which in a certain way reconciled me with the high entrance fee. 10,- € might…