
Behind The Bus Terminal

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Krk, Croatia

Until I had bought the LX3, I had felt quite handicapped when trying to compose square images without any guidelines in the viewfinder. As I feel a certain affinity for that aspect ratio, most images with the LX3 I created in that mode. In the bright mediterranean light, the LX3 without EVF is no joy…


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Krk, Croatia

Using the SLR for street photography is always somewhat frightening, as the shutter sound is *loud* when heared from near. I hope that my subjects know that noise diminuishes with the square of the distance.

Nothing Much Has Changed

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The main ingredients for successful holidays are: mainly blue sky and reasonably high temperatures, bars and coffee shops, and not to many tourists (myself excluded, of course). Krk at pentecost offers all this, adding pre-roman, roman and venetian walls and houses plus excellent seafood. Content? Well, almost. My eyes are a bit restless, trying to…

Mister, Take My Picture!

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Salzburg, Austria

When I read Carl Weese’s post here, I immediately remembered a similar event in 2007. Funny thing is that both the boys and I were native German speakers. But in Salzburg everybody strolling around with a camera seems to wear that invisible “tourist” badge, and tourists usually come from abroad. So those cool Salzburg youngsters…

Old Farmhouse

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Aufham, Bavaria

Despite the recently acquired LX3 I still do enjoy my SLR, like here with a long focal length. The two cameras instill different ways of photography, sometimes enforce them due to their limitations (namely composing on a display instead of a viewfinder, especially in bright light), but it’s not that one could rule out the…

June Wallpapers

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The June wallpapers are here, as usual. This month’s image was made in the ‘Pinakothek der Moderne’ in Munich, which has a wonderful collection of contemporary design, too. And they don’t forbid photography in the museum (without flash of course) which in a certain way reconciled me with the high entrance fee. 10,- € might…