Found in Koduvamadu. You can find it here on google maps. Yes, it’s probably in the middle of nowhere. The amount of attention as well as improvements might be proportional to the geographical situation.
Found in Koduvamadu. You can find it here on google maps. Yes, it’s probably in the middle of nowhere. The amount of attention as well as improvements might be proportional to the geographical situation.
Hi Markus. I am glad that you visited my site and in the process allowed me to find your site. Wow! I love your photograph. I hope that something grows out of this initial contact. Currently I am moving posts from my wordpress site to my domaine name site (copy/past method as I run into all kinds of block because of national firewalls in China). When done, I will have posts from November 2008 to present on my new site. Like yourself, each post features a photograph (or two) and commentary. It is good to meet a fellow traveller with camera in hand. 🙂