this is a roof detail from the fu-zi temple in nanjing. at this first encounter, i was overwhelmed with the fine details and the expressiveness of the sculptures. and despite of the many (chinese) tourists, the place had kept the feeling of a religious area, whereas not so intensive as the temples i have seen in chinatown quarters for example in indonesia. communism and cultural revolution for sure have taken their toll.
dragons on the roof

You’ve captured the intricate details nicely. I like it in greyscale.
Roof ornament that’s great. Roof ornament with the full value of philosophical spritual high and full of meaning. Ornament in the form of Dragon in the roof tiles also have meaning. The dragon in Chinese culture as a creature who has good karma and development has reached a certain stage of the spiritual life, because they have to practice spiritual guidance, which is very long. Achieving this old spiritual that makes people take the blessings of the dragon and a respectable position. Achieving good karma and the people who owned the dragon, a dragon made a lot of opportunity to subjugate himself directly as a companion and protector of the Buddha, Bhodisatva, and the other holy thing. In Indonesia there are many buildings temple ceiling make the dragon. Regard from Yogyakarta City, Indonesia.