Mene, tekel …Karlstraße, Munich (OSM) 4 commentsIch weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten, dass ich so ratlos bin …ReplyDie Frage stellt sich schon: kann der bewußtlos Schaffende/Sprühende Kunst herstellen?ReplyWonderfully minimal.ReplyThanks, Carl. I also have considered a monochrome version, but was not content with it. That weird violet of the tag is special.ReplyLeave a Reply to Uwe Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Notify me of comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. you MUST enable javascript to be able to comment Post navigationPrevious postThree RabbitsNext postHeaven, almost Heaven
Thanks, Carl. I also have considered a monochrome version, but was not content with it. That weird violet of the tag is special.Reply
Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten,
dass ich so ratlos bin …
Die Frage stellt sich schon: kann der bewußtlos Schaffende/Sprühende Kunst herstellen?
Wonderfully minimal.
Thanks, Carl. I also have considered a monochrome version, but was not content with it. That weird violet of the tag is special.