I am still severely handicapped by my broken right elbow, but Jeff Grant had hinted in an email, that I might visit my archives, if active photography is out of reach. And so I did.
In 1981, after having been discharged from armed services, I traveled with a friend to Nepal in order to walk around the Annapurnas and visit the Annapurna Sanctuary. Back then, intercontinental travel was much more an adventure than it is today… We left from Munich through Damaskus to New Delhi and after some days (to digest the cultural shock … from a comfortable home in Germany to a 1-Dollar-Hotel in New Delhi) flew to Kathmandu.
This and the following images where copied from Agfachrome slides by means of a m43-camera with a macro lens. The slides have degraded over the last 40 years and needed quite some processing. Fortunately I did this quite some time before my accident, as now it would be impossible. For this travel series I revive the “common places” thread in my blog. We will see how long it takes until I can press a shutter and process images again.
Glad to see your back! I’ve been resurrecting my old stuff as I transfer my blog from Zenfolio to Squarespace and it’s a bit refreshing to see those old thoughts and photos again.
Joe, I find it definitely worth re-visiting past work in order to see development on one’s own vision and picture-making intent. Going through 40 years old images, at that time made more with the intent of sheer documenting, is also eye-opening in terms of technical development: slide film back then resembles resolution-wise more a 4MP camera (which is not available any more) than anything what we call standard now. That progress is impressive!
Wie nicht von dieser Welt!
Willkommen zurück.
Eindrücklich, vor allem wenn man es vor dem Hintergrund damaliger Erlebnishorizonte Revue passieren lässt. Und für mich ein Beweis für die suggestive Kraft von Bildern, die es schaffen, mich wieder in diese Verzückung von damals eintauchen zu lassen.
Wie schwach mutet dagegen doch das teuerste Metaverse an!
Revisiting the archives is an excellent use of your recovery time. This is a very nice example of that. I love being able to relive those past experiences. Thank you for sharing yours.
I am fully decided to make lemonade of that lemons, Tom. Being able just to walk that paths on the map and immersing oneself in the sceneries of a world completely new for me at that time is a wonderful chance to re-connect.