

    1. Definitiv, Andreas. Dass er einfach so in einem Wald stehen kann, ohne geteerte Zufahrtsstraße, ohne Kiosk, ohne Müllhalden außenrum macht ihn noch attraktiver.

    1. … und perfekt inszeniert: Man/Frau wandert durch Hohlwege, und wenn man die Lichtung erreicht und aufblicken kann, sind die Äste schon über einem/r.

    1. Thanks, Cemal. Trees have not without cause so much allegoric significance: The fact that they live so much longer than we humans do, is certainly one: Those oaks are around 400 years old, so they started to grow when Europe was devastated by the Thirty Years’ War, shortly after the end of the Holy Roman Empire. What times they have seen!

    1. Jeff, these trees are certainly exceptional – I don’t remember having seen such enormous and old specimens in Europe. Having visited them in Autumn meant that we were fairly alone, wandering along a hollow way, and when we reached a clearing, the tree was already above us. Awesome!

    1. Thanks, Carl. Especially during my travels to Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe I’ve seen many huge trees, but these ones here in Krk provided a special experience due to the fact that they were so much embedded in the surrounding forest of much much smaller trees.

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