This is the first installment from a series made in the historic hydro-electric powerplant in my hometown. You can read more – albeit in German language only about it here in wikipedia. The leading image is a photograph of mine made in 2007.
This is the first installment from a series made in the historic hydro-electric powerplant in my hometown. You can read more – albeit in German language only about it here in wikipedia. The leading image is a photograph of mine made in 2007.
Klasse Foto.
Das Neue Sehen lässt grüßen, etwa die Heizungs-Fotos von Albert Renger-Patzsch aus den 30er Jahren.
Ach Uwe, manchmal fürchte ich, es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne 😉
Great subject, I’ll look forward to more, off to a good start.