The end of 2014 for me personally marks a marginal victory over procrastination: My Sofobomo Book “Christmas Trees” was finished in time. You’ll find it on the Sofobomo Website as well as in the ‘books’ section of this blog.
Outside the family, 2014 was not such a wonderful year, unfortunately. But don’t worry, I won’t start a rant about politics or the like here. Suffice it to say that I do sincerely wish that 2015 will be at least not as bad as 2014 was. Hope dies last.
A very Happy New Year wish to you, Markus, and I echo your wish for 2015!
Thank you, Earl! Your 2015 most probably will be filled to the brim with new experiences, and my best wishes for happy ones go with you and Bonnie!
Congratulations on the book and all the best for 2015 Markus. Thanks for all the photos you’ve shared over the past year.
Cedric, thanks for the kind words! I wish a happy and healthy 2015 to you and your family! I enjoyed your blog posts very much, even if my commenting is sparse. So I will be very glad to read more of them in this year.
Just viewed your book and thoroughly enjoyed the images and commentary – nice work! Have a great New Year and like you I certainly hope for better news on all fronts.
Michael, I just found this comment of yours in the spam folder – the first false positive in a year! Thanks for your good wishes, and let’s cross the fingers for 2015.
I didn’t realize that SoFoBoMo had been resurrected…glad I saw your post. I love that project and your book is a fine example. Thank you for sharing.
Tom, I am glad you like the book! Today I had a short email exchange with Suprada Urval, the lady behind sofobomo.com: Sofobomo 2015 will take place from July 1 to August 31. As this is outside the inevitable Christmas rush, I hope to find some more time for my next book.
Happy new 2015 and I wish all the best for you & your family! Feel embraced. Sunny greetings J.
Thanks, Janine! Enjoy your time there in the nice warm weather!