So, coming back to visit after a while, and this image just struck me, because if I didn’t know this was your blog, for some reason I wouldn’t know this was your image. Most times as soon as I arrive here, I smile because the image is just pwrfectly in your style. Beautiful, but seems like someone else snapped the shutter.
Interesting that you mention this, Chris: This image was in fact among the first frames I captured in Brussels, so it maybe reflects my still unsecure feelings about the situation and the subject matter.
Das alte & das neue scheinbar vereint in friedlicher Koexistenz. Ich mag das Bild sehr, denn es zeigt einmal mehr Dein wunderbares Spiel mit den Formen. Alles drinnen, was das Herz begehrt: Geraden, Kurven, Kreise, Bögen, Rechtecke, Quadrate. Großartig!
So, coming back to visit after a while, and this image just struck me, because if I didn’t know this was your blog, for some reason I wouldn’t know this was your image. Most times as soon as I arrive here, I smile because the image is just pwrfectly in your style. Beautiful, but seems like someone else snapped the shutter.
Interesting that you mention this, Chris: This image was in fact among the first frames I captured in Brussels, so it maybe reflects my still unsecure feelings about the situation and the subject matter.
Nicht nur das Photo, sondern auch das neue Blogstyling gefällt mir sehr gut!
Hans, danke! Das Thema war richtig viel Arbeit, aber es hat sich wirklich gelohnt.
Das alte & das neue scheinbar vereint in friedlicher Koexistenz. Ich mag das Bild sehr, denn es zeigt einmal mehr Dein wunderbares Spiel mit den Formen. Alles drinnen, was das Herz begehrt: Geraden, Kurven, Kreise, Bögen, Rechtecke, Quadrate. Großartig!
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.