Christmas Bathroom Tissue Bad Reichenhall, BavariaThis certainly belongs to the category “things the world doesn’t need”. But for a precious a**, nothing is too expensive!
But those might smell of bees’ wax candles, Nordmanntanne and cinnamon. If they don’t do so this year, next year they will!Reply
OK. Something about this is simply wrong. SMH!!! đ
Paul, the British would say “There’s now’t so queer as folk”. Nothing to add…
It’s not as bad as the rose scented Motherday’s bathroom tissues they sell, isn’t it?
But those might smell of bees’ wax candles, Nordmanntanne and cinnamon. If they don’t do so this year, next year they will!
Uaaaah. I really like cinnamon – but in combination with bathroom tissues …. uaaaah.
You’ll have to try it. After a good garlic-enhanced meal…