Several centuries ago, there was sufficient reason for Prague to be so proud. The last century brought a rapid decline through wars and dictatorships, but now the golden city is waking up again.
Several centuries ago, there was sufficient reason for Prague to be so proud. The last century brought a rapid decline through wars and dictatorships, but now the golden city is waking up again.
It so happens I just finished reading the novel Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald, in which Prague plays a key role. It was a difficult read, sentences being several pages long, but quite a story. I do hope it is freedom of thought which is waking up.
Juha, freedom is certainly waking up here – the Czech people had and have intellect and spirit – also visible in their emigrated artists and, for me, in the fact that the elected Vaclav Havel as president after the revolution. And certainly commerce is waking up, too (but where it doesn’t). The fine art is to balance the many forces and keep the city a vivid and multi-faceted place.