This is the first installment of a series of posts, introducing a place in Prage, that makes you suddenly forget that you are in a noisy, famous and touristic town.
This is the first installment of a series of posts, introducing a place in Prage, that makes you suddenly forget that you are in a noisy, famous and touristic town.
If Kirk Tuck ever comes to Prague he’s going to look you up. I’m going to make another cup of coffee:-)
I just had one, James! Yes, meeting Kirk could be interesting, coffee-wise…
In an e-mail Markus wrote to me a year ago, he said that he had “never been to Prague”, although he lives only 350 kilometers away.
Luckily, he was able to correct that oversight this year.
Tyler, for an American it for sure sounds strange, but here in Europe 350km can be quite a distance, especially before the introduction of fast trains and the finalisation of the Autobahn. And don’t forget, quite some time of my life, the Czech Republic was part of the Warsaw Pact, scaring…
But I am definitely glad that I’ve finally had the occasion to visit this wonderful town, and most probably this first visit was not the last one.
I’m just envious, Markus; being 8,400 km from Prague. The New World is not nearly as interesting.
Does anyone else notice the pattern on the shirt in the background? Are those magenta bands, or chromatic aberration in the lens?
Funny idea to have a shirt that reproduces CA—to the consernation of photographers!
Tyler, how comes that so many photographers in the Old World long for the New World (me sometimes included)? Without doubt places like Prague with their rich and still visible history provide quite some stimuli for the interested people, but I guess our recipience easily grows as soon as we leave known paths and places – and the trick might be to develop this ability in one’s backyard, too. At least I have still some way to go… That said, I am longing for my next trips that could put me in such a photographing frenzy as Prague did.
Re. the shirt: the magenta was in the cloth, not on the sensor only. But I like that idea…
I’m not a coffee drinker, but it looks like one of those places where it’s just nice to sit and let time pass by. Nicely captured!
Oh, I guess they also have a decent cup of tea… 😉
Thanks, Thomas. Stay tuned, it will remain interesting.