When visiting one of the rainwater harvesting project sites, questions came up of how to supply those parcels with water, where there is only a hut with a thatched roof – in these places usually the most needy people live. After some discussion back and forth an archaic solution was brought up and displayed in a similarly archaic way: by drawing it with a stick in the sand.
On another topic: Tyler Monson has given me notice about a glitch in the post “More Things Green”: green the image was indeed, too green. I’ll correct this. Thanks, Tyler!
That is almost like using an iPad…
You think I should submit the first Sand-App in the iStore?
Or maybe iArchimedes…
Funny how some things are reinvented again and again, such as drawing with your hand.
May I contradict? Not drawing with your hand was reinvented, the true invention was to monetarize it!
Yes, indeed. This makes one wonder what will be monetarized next.