With the cold, dark and short days I am also leaving the country of the “Perchten” (and zombies as well) behind. I am on my way to Sri Lanka again, this time as volunteer expert for an acquainted NGO that works in the field of drinking water supply. The east coast of Sri Lanka, where our area of work will be, nowadays is a much quieter place than 18 monthes ago, when we finished our last project in Colombo.
The old and new president of Sri Lanka is taking his oaths on Friday, so this again will be a story of masks, so to say. And yes, Sri Lanka too has a tradition of masks, connected to healing rites. Perhaps I can have a look at some examples there in the National Museum – the masks “made for tourists” are quite different, however not so much tending to blood-thirst aspects.
I am traveling light, without laptop, so posting will be flaky, depending on the occasion. Nonetheless I do plan to post 🙂