I know I am late, but as a father of three (one seems to have got lost) Christmas day is full of activities, carrying a harp to the church and back, decorating the tree, rehearsing Christmas carols and the nativity play ranking much higher than photography. But we had a wonderful Christmas Evening and a very peaceful holiday today, and so every effort was worth it.
My very best Christmas wishes to you and your family, Markus. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas eve with lots of activity, and that’s wonderful. Photography and Internet have to be set aside, sometimes.
Merry Christmas, Markus. Those are certainly worthwhile activities and I’m sure that your kids appreciate it. Mine are grown and require much less setup. 🙂
That’s simply how it was when I was a child – we even had this kind of door to the living room, though it was with coloured glass and you couldn’t see a_n_y_t_h_i_n_g … 😉
And of course you did ring the small bells, did you?
Sounds very memorable….such pretty faces pressed there:-)
Sounds like you had a Christmas it was meant to be! Merry Christmas to you and your family – somewhat belated, but better late than never, I guess… 😉
magnificent … memories become awake!
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, Markus. I just love this photo with the precious faces pressed so tightly against the glass in anticipation.
Have a wonderful 2010!!! Marti
Ich finde auch, daß Bild sagt sooo viel über die Sehnsucht der Kinder nach Weihnachten aus…, seit wir unseren Sohn haben, hat Weihnachten auch für uns wieder eine viel grössere Bedeutung.
Guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2010 und bitte so weitermachen, Dein Blog ist einer meiner liebsten!