An evening hike, a bit away from the wanderers’ tracks, invited me into the brushwood. It was dark, cold, humid, and a nice smell of funghi (mostly decaying already) in the air, but not until turning around and searching my way back I found something suitable for an image: a flame like beech, gleaming in red and yellow, and impressive against the blue evening light and the dark-greenish fir twigs.
I love a single brightly colored small tree among the forest dim. It makes one appreciate it’s beauty all the more!
Fewer and fewer trees are fighting the approaching winter – using ever brighter colours. What I particularly like is the green s-curve in the which curls from the centre to the bottom front of the picture.
What a brilliant play of colours & beautiful light. Makes me think of my favourite Robert Frost poem:
I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence: / Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference.
Brilliant work, great image! All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
Perfectly focused on the most vividly colored trees in the woods.
Those autumn colors are always gorgeous… It’s a bit of a pity that that bright glimpse of the path just left to the main motive is attracting so much attention. Otherwise the natural vignette, the focus on the glowing tree definitely works for me!
@Thomas: You are right with that bright patch. Gimp to the rescue and – voila! I have to admit it’s not perfect, and full scale I will have to do it with a lot more effort. So if somebody orders a print…