
Autumn ’round the corner

The days are still warm, but the leaves here start to loose their fresh green. Not all of them of course, but brown and yellow now mixes in between the still saturated deep greens. And the air in the evenings doesn’t have that summer’s crispness any more, some high altitude fog makes the sunlight look a bit foul and the color looses it’s blue and assumes instead a more greenish cast

Autumn 'round the corner(2) And in the street suddenly the light has no dynamic any more, it’s lack of direction and that ‘foul’ color optically sucks all power out of the streets – dirt looks dirtier now, the trees look tired and the plaster passive. Well, autumn is coming, even if he distracts us with some more blue days. Now is the time of regreding, saving the power and becoming quieter to retain energies up to next spring.


  1. Oh, but this is my favorite time of year. I love the crisp autumn mornings and the nice warm evenings. Unfortunately, this far south, Charleston, South Carolina, most of the trees are evergreens, so no color change. I have started to see some color changes on my way back to Charlotte, North Carolina during the weekends. It is a welcomed sight, indeed.

  2. @Paul: I don’t deny that autumn has it’s bright and colorful sides. Yet that mood that I found yesterday is also one facet of this season. Still I don’t want to miss it, as it is totally valid to bring up those more quiet, sad, recessive vibes, too.

  3. Aaaaah, I love it like this! 🙂
    The colours are more rich and soft now, compare d to the hard, washed-out colours we got only a month ago. Love the shadows, as well. Look how soft the draw on the wall in your second picture, just lovely.

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