no, i won’t bore you with this topic here again. but raw power this is, the power of the green weißbach waters (which is kind of oxymoronic as weißbach means white creek) cascading down in their canyon. having worked quite a while on this picture i am still not completely satisfied. i think i managed quite well to bring out the deep colors of water and moss as well as the brilliance of the reflections, but compositionally the right border puzzles me because of the out-of-focus blur. f-stop was already 11, 16 might have been better but at an focal length of 180 mm-e i doubt it would have rendered the rock in complete sharpness. i tried some cropping, but for several reasons i want to stick with the old barnackian 3:2 ratio (i estimate it to be more dynamic than 4:3) and then i loose too much of the diagonals, rocks and whitewater. so i will have to live with it. a view camera might have helped to solve this problem, or 2 shots with different planes of focus (i had used a tripod anyhow) and following combination in the gimp. alas – would/should/could doesn’t really help, so i enjoy what i have got and what i am able to destill out of it.
raw power

It´s absolutely powerful, I love the green in it. Very weel done! Sunny greetings
I can almost hear the sound of the running water
The first word that popped into my head was “power”. The image is superb.
It looks like you have captured flowing green glass. The smoothness of it is what I like the most.
you set very high standards, for me it is an excellent picture … and your dahoam is pure and powerful nature.
Certainly works for me! You might have a point with the right side of the frame – but a perfect picture wouldn’t be perfect anyway. No need to keep on trying then… Boring.
I’m not sure whether it’s the out-of-focus issue that makes the right hand side a bit problematic. At least to a similar extent it’s its the brightness and contrast. Maybe you could just tone things slightly on that problematic spot right side and/or lower the contrast somewhat?
Thanks to all!
@Thomas: you hit the spot. I just have an exchange of emails with Tyler Monson from who sent me a processed version addressing this very issue. So I will continue with improving my destillation of an image out of the raw.
great title and what movement in the image…love it