saturday mornings visit to schönram bog was a success in terms of recreation, but not so much in terms of pictures. the frog concerto was good to hear but impossible to visualize and overall i was too late for the early morning mist that gives that bog such an impressive ghostly atmosphere – sunrise is at 5:15 at the moment and the 30 minutes of driving were enough for the sun to develop sufficient strength to quickly dissolve the remainders of the fog.
it seems that i have to encourage my ‘go’ a little more – see paul lesters blog on the joy of waiting. anyway, from my last mission to sri lanka there are some pictures left that i regard as worthy to be shown. like this one. it was taken with a 20 year old minolta zoom at iso 1600, and i am all over astonished again when i search for traces of image degradation that could be attested to this high sensivity. .
Fantastic quality for such a high sensitive film!
Hm, we have sunrise at around 4.00 in morning right now. I think I give up picturing sunrises for now and focus on sunsets…;)