the pouring rain and the humidity provided a natural soft focus effect. at times rain was so heavy that you just had to hide under a roof and wait. galle face hotel was quite empty at that pre-monsoon time in colombo, in this way aggravating the feeling of lost former times and their glory.
castle from a fairy tale
taken with a polarizer filter in front of my 17-35mm, I tried to intensify the mirrored picture, but had to learn that my theory was flawed because of the unpolarized nature of the sunlight. Anyhow, the picture came out as I wanted it, so at least the polarizer did no harm. labour day morning was…
sinfony in red, chinese temple, jakarta
chinese woman praying, jakarta

the dim light in the chinese temple was really a challenge that I could overcome with highest ISO setting. But I thing the mood is well retained and transport through this spektrum of reds emerging from the darkness.
incense in the chinese temple
after two days of sitting in dimly lit conference rooms in a hotel in Jakarta, I finally had 8 hours to see where I really am after < 30 hours of traveling from europe. the chinese have a vibrant quarter in the center, and there i met this man sacrificing probably alcohol in his temple.…
aesthetics in catastrophy

this weekend, a wildfire destroyed more then 300.000 square meters of precious protection forest next to Bad Reichenhalldue to the extreme drought we are experiencing this april. But many catastrophies have their asthetic aspects, and so does this. Nine helicopters were continously flying on sunday to water the areas where the fire was already extinguished
easter fountain
I know that easter is over, but it took me until yesterday to find my way to the easter fountain on Bad Reichenhall’s Florianiplatz. those eggs, more than 3000, are not plastic! the fresh colours, the old buildings, the afternoon light and the absence of billboards make up for a beautiful scenery (ok – you…
jammed streets – jammed sky
rakes and scythes
again from the open-air farm museum of Ballenberg, switzerland. these old rakes and scythes were inside an old farmhouse in very dim light, but I decided against the usage of my flash to capture the mood as it was, including the bright light from outside that came through the chinks in the timber wall.
so this title might attract some traffic (makes me grin, as I will go to great efforts in order to avoid having to use this), but it’s just the correct translation for the german “durchblick”. i found this view in the bavarian chamber of industry and commerce in munich. their building has a really nice…
anemonae and primroses
even before the last snowfall, anemonae and primroses came into blossom on the slope behind our house. so winter is gone now. definitely. we hope. processed with bibble. both lightzone and bibble have their strengths, so it’s good that I am not forced to decide, at least not for now. processing of this pictures makes…
late snow
nobody wanted it anymore, but now it came: snow down to 300m above sealevel. so the hazel in our garden had her flowers suddenly covered in snow. it will not last long, but it was sufficient to wet us thoroughly on our way to kindergarden. photographically it brought a nice occasion to see colorful things…
weathered stub
over the roofs
over the roofs of my hometown, Bad Reichenhall. the clocktower of St. Ägidius, and in the background mt. Hochstaufen. just discovered the linux version of lightzone. amazing user interface, excellent sharpness. the tone curve tool is just extraordinary, and the possibility to work on regions is great. however, speed and memory requirements are an issue.…
towards the sun
small beads
hoarfrost under Hochkalter

new year’s excursion to Hintersee was prolific. the kids went skating and I found some time to stroll around. It is obviously correct to call the landscape at the east bank of this lake “Zauberwald” – magic forest. the xmas test version of bibblepro gave me opportunity to play with my raw files, and this…
traces of winter
ulysses enters troy
perfect semi-circle
preparing for market
fishermen at the beach of Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. removing the bycatch, including sea snakes, and sorting the fish is the last task. everything went by in quiet mutual understanding, only rarely a command was heard. last of series. where this photo was taken? have a look at