This is one image that lets me despair about my picture taking abilities: Why for heaven’s sake did I cut off the nearest part of the hole here? Sh.t!
Still, I like this scenery so much, also the muted colors, that I decided to show it, and keep it as a reminder for myself to really *look* into the viewfinder and not only to assume. (And to stop talking while taking pictures. My mind seems to be single-threaded)
Grossartig, mir fehlt hier gar nichts, im Gegenteil, ich finde es spannend wie der Blick dadurch ins Bild geleitet wird. TOP!
Walter, wahrscheinlich ist das Problem eher die Vorstellung, die ich mir von diesem Bild gemacht hatte – gut möglich dass die gar nicht so zwingend war/ist.
Markus, I know exactly what you mean and it doesn’t matter that the picture looks fine to everyone else. If I notice something in one of my images that isn’t quite right (and for me it’s usually to do with composition) then there is nothing I can do to not see it, if you know what I mean. It will always annoy me even if the rest of the image is of a great scene such as yours. Oh well, sh!t happens right?
Yes, Cedric, this is the core of the problem. I once assembled a really large IKEA kitchen, and in the end I drilled one hole for a handle in the wrong place. Nobody notices it, but I can’t avoid to look at it most everytime I am in our kitchen.
Nothing necessary has been cut off. Composition is fine. (Personally, I would add a little vignetting to tone down the corners—and would have done so if it was a silver/chemical process—but that’s just me.
The symbolic imagery is a little too obvious, though.
I just read that old Richard D. Zakia book again and came across his explanation of ‘closures’ – the eye certainly completes what it recognizes, so it seems that there’s not so much to worry than I did. Re. the symbolic character: Up to now I didn’t see it… too preoccupied with other things, I guess.
Think your composition looks just fine. You might be comparing your photo to what you saw while there, something we can’t do, so no problem for us. This whole series is great,
Thanks, Jeff. I was only some hours there, at noon, where light is supposedly not the best to reveal structures, but it still was my best day in Zimbabwe.